Saturday, August 9, 2008

bodyparts 46, of a different kind

hermes and me

i made up my mind some time ago
and when i finally figured it out
the pieces fell into their place
everything i struggle with daily
condensed into one image
tatooed on my feet

i always needed to care more for my feet,
i need to care more about all of me as well but my feet.....they need more,
cause they always get less

wings, just like hermes had his,
even if he had his on his sandals and not on his feet
to make me understand that i earned them,
to make me remember that i can go anywhere i want to,
reach higher than i think,
to make me not fear my visibility,
adding a bit of my inside on my outside,
reminding me that this is for me without the need of approval or appreciation,
setting my boundaries where i want them and where i need them

Hermes the Olympian god
of boundaries and of the travelers who cross them,
of shepherds and cowherds,
of thieves and road travelers,
of orators and wit,
of literature and poets,
of athletics,
of weights and measures,
of invention,
of general commerce,
and of the cunning of thieves and liars


the walking man said...

A good tat done for the right reasons is a showpiece to them who will never understand. I get it, I like it and I congratulate you Be.

be said...

thanx mark!
i knew you would get it
n finally i got it too ;)

Lisa said...

Wow. so cool be.
A showcase for sure and a beautiful piece.